
I finally made a carrd! It's not pretty and I'm pretty sure it's held together by sheer spite at this point, but it's here.

If the buttons are broken (again), please let me know!

About Me

Hi! I'm Kestrel (or Kes). I'm over 18 but under 21, I'm nonbinary (???), and I use they/them pronouns. I've been self shipping for a long time but I only recently (2020) found the self shipping community. I can be a bit shy, but I love meeting new people!

All interaction comes from my main account.

I am ridiculously forgetful, so if you softblock me/want me to unfollow you please tell me. I promise you, I won't be offended or hurt!

I love Star Trek a little too much, so that's mostly what you'll find here, but I also like Minecraft, Scooby-Doo, and Dungeons and Dragons and I'm getting into Legend of Zelda, a3! and a lot of webcomics.

Things About My Blog

I do go on anon, with and without linking to this blog, but I never send hate. If you want to know if an anon ask was me or not, feel free to ask!

My inbox and DMs are always open. Want to gush? Want to tag me in something? Go for it! I love seeing other people's stuff!

Please, please read and respect my DNI. This blog is my escape, so it's a big deal for me.

Do Not Interact:

  • If you are racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, nazi, alt-right, pedophile, etc.

  • If you're a terf, swerf, acephobe, biphobe, panphobe, or exclusionist, or you're "gender critical"/don't think nonbinary people exist

  • If you are a NSFW-focused account or you do not tag your NSFW (the occasional suggestive text post is fine)

  • If you're a SFW kink-based blog (e.g. agere to cope is fine, agere as kink is not, even if both blogs are sfw)

  • If you're just here to spread hate or start discourse (it won't work)

  • If you, an adult, ship yourself romantically with a minor or if you age down s/i characters or age up minor characters to ship yourself romantically with them

Before You Follow

  • Hi! Welcome! Glad to have you!

  • I try my hardest to tag things consistently, but I'm very forgetful. If you need something tagged or if I forgot to tag something, don't hesitate to reach out!

  • I get excited easily, and sometimes put things in all caps and swear. I'm not currently tagging for it, and the odds I would be inconsistent are really high (not that I wouldn't try if asked!), so just be aware.

  • You can tag my stuff as "x don't look" and its variations, that doesn't bother me.

  • If we share an f/o, welcome! You can absolutely still interact!

  • There are two f/os I have more complicated feelings about sharing, and my boundaries for that are in my f/o list.

  • Please don't talk to me about Worf/Deanna, Julian/Ezri, Julian/Jadzia, or Garak/Ziyal as those ships make me really uncomfortable.

  • Also, the canon love interests of my romantic f/o never happened. I do not see them. I am looking away.

My S/Is

My S/Is aren't distinctly different from me at this point, but here's some details about them anyway.
I don't have S/Is for my non Star Trek ships yet, so these are all in the Star Trek universe.
-none- means I either don't have a name for them yet or use my IRL name. I'll either leave them nameless or use Kestrel for them online.
(r) is for romantic ships, (p) is for platonic ships, and (f) is for familial ships
TOS - The Original Series
TNG - The Next Generation
DS9 - Deep Space 9

NameEraShipped withDivisionRank
-none-TOSTOS crew (p)ScienceLieutenant Commander
-none-NoneBones (f)N/AN/A
KestrelTNGTNG crew (p)SecurityLieutenant Junior Grade
KestrelDS9Nerys (r), DS9 crew (p)ScienceLieutenant Junior Grade

Other Tags

This is just a list of the other tags I use, filter as needed.

  • Kes cries - vent posts

  • Kestrel go to bed challenge - posts that seem like a good idea at 2:30 am

  • Kes speaks - exactly what it sounds like

  • Writing tag tbd - I write things sometimes

  • Kes goes on anon - reblogs of anonymous asks I sent

  • Kestrel's sideblog struggles - things that should be a reply but this is a sideblog so I have to reblog them instead

  • Other people's f/os: [character] - reblogs of other people's selfship stuff

  • Cardassian occupation / Cardassian occupation tw / Cardassian occupation mention - posts with content about/that mentions the Cardassian military occupation of Bajor